Veggies and Colon Cancer: A recent Chinese study indicated that people who ate lots of red meat and few vegetables
were more than 2.5 times more likely to get colon cancer. Therefore,
try to focus on a diet rich in veggies, whole grains, legumes, fruit, and some low-fat or non-fat diary products. Occasionally
eat lean beef, poultry, and fish. The benefits of such a semi-vegetarian diet are many: lowered risk of heart
disease, cancer, and diabetes!
The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fish (especially oily fish like salmon) at least
twice a week; a serving is between 3 oz and 6 oz.
Colds and Exercise: People who exercise regularly may be less likely to come down with the common cold. A recent
study found that people who were moderately active for 60 to 90 minutes a day, were 25% less likely to catch a cold.
Also, exercise assists the immune system in fighting other types of communicable diseases.